Team of Creative Writers
Author of the following books:
Iggy & Izzy Series
Marshmallow Superhero Series
Hack Series
Writing program for k - 5
"Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what noone else ever thought."
Albert Einstein
Classroom Books- Your students' names in the stories!
It Is In
Book for Early Readers. Uses all students names in your class. Students are boy pirates and adorable girls.
Not For Bunny
Early Reader. Uses all students names in your class. Students are animals in the forest.
We Will Not Read
Early Reader. Uses all students names in your class. Students are adorable monsters.
Contact us for more information. Sets of 20 or more, get one free book!
“My kids love these stories. We read them over and over.”
Severine Aragon, 1-2 Combo Teacher
“The stories are engaging, yet educational at the same time."
David Sisk, 4th grade Teacher
“Even before Exploration Lab began its journey to publishing, Shelle wrote stories for her students. They couldn't wait to hear the next chapters as the stories grew. She continues to astound me with her creativity.”
Loretta Logan,
Principal/former teaching partner